The Challenges of Lifelong Education for Empowering the Elderly in The Community

Suryadi Suryadi(1), Nursahidin Nursahidin(2), Yusmanto Yusmanto(3), Reza Gusmanti(4),
(1) IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon  Indonesia
(3) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia  Indonesia
(4) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia  Indonesia

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The empowered elderly is the elderly who live in a civil community condition, namely a condition of the elderly who believe in their ability to create a better life and are aware of their rights and obligations in social life. The condition of empowering the elderly will be realized if the elderly get an education to be more empowered. The research objective was to determine the concept of lifelong education for the empowerment of the elderly in the community. This research was a literature review to find a lifelong learning model for lifelong education for the elderly's empowerment. By reviewing various literature or books and research reports from various journals, information was obtained about implementing lifelong education to empower the elderly in Indonesia. The research results indicated that lifelong education was not limited to adult education and the like but included and formed a unity in all education stages as a totality. Indeed, lifelong education is carried out by every human being born into this world. Lifelong education is a continuous effort of every individual to equip himself through education (increasing knowledge). Learning strategies in lifelong education for the empowerment of the elderly include the use of approaches, methods, techniques, demonstration forms, qualified learning resources, and students' management to realize educational interactions between educators and students, between students and between students, environment, and evaluation of the process.

Keywords: Lifelong Education, Empowerment, Elderly


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