The Relationship Between Peer-Environment with Learning Motivation of Students at the Equivalency Education Program Package A in PKBM Gempita Padang City

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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The background of this research is the low learning motivation of residents learning the package A equality program at PKBM Gempita, Padang City. Researchers suspect that one of the contributing factors is the unfavorable peer environment. This research aims to: (1) To describe the peer environment, (2). To describe the motivation to learn, (3). Seeing the relationship between the peer environment and the motivation of residents to learn the package A equality program at PKBM Gempita, Padang City. This research is a type of correlation research using a quantitative approach. The population of this study were residents studying the package A equality program at PKBM Gempita, Padang City, totaling 25 people. And sampling with saturated sampling technique. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and data analysis techniques using percentage formulas and product moment correlations. The results of the study showed that the peer environment of residents learning the package A equality program at PKBM Gempita Padang City was still not good. Learning motivation owned by learning citizens is still low. And there is a significant relationship between the peer environment and the learning motivation of residents studying the Package A equality program at PKBM Gempita, Padang City. It is suggested to managers or educators at PKBM Gempita, Padang City, to be able to pay attention to the social interactions of package A learning residents in a peer environment in order to increase high learning motivation to achieve goals in learning.
Keywords: peer environment, learning motivation, package AReferences
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