The Relationship Between Activeness Participating in Scout Extracurricular Activities With Student Discipline at SMP 5 Pariaman

Vivi Sri Kurniati(1), Jalius Jalius(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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The problem discussed in this study is the low disciplinary attitude of students in scouting at SMP 5 Pariaman. While the objectives to be achieved in this research are to determine if there is was a relationship between activity following extracurricular activity with students’ discipline at SMP 5 Pariaman. The type of this research is correlational, namely looking at the relationship between activities participating in scout extracurricular activity with students’  discipline at SMP 5 Pariaman. The population in this study was taken all students who participated in scout extracurricular activities at SMP 5 Pariaman,  totaling 40 people. The sample of this research was 30 people. The instrument in this study was a questionnaire using a linker scale with alternative answers: always, often, sometimes, never. Meanwhile, to measure the results of research data, descriptive formulas and product moments are used. The results showed that student activeness and student discipline in scouting were very good, and there was there is a significant relationship between activeness following scout extracurricular activities with student discipline in SMP 5 Pariaman.  Is greater than the writable is at the confidence level of 5% (0.361) and the confidence level of 1% (0.463).

Keywords: scout extracurricular activities, student activity, student  discipline


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