The Relationship Between Self-Concept and Entrepreneurial Interest of Entrepreneurship Training Graduates at PKBM Karang Putih
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
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Full Text: Language : en
This research was motivated by the low interest in entrepreneurship from entrepreneurship training graduates at PKBM Karang Putih, which was thought to be due to the low self-concept of entrepreneurship training graduates. This research aims to see a picture of the self-concept of entrepreneurship training graduates, a picture of entrepreneurship training graduates' interest in entrepreneurship at PKBM Karang Putih, the relationship between self-concept and entrepreneurship interest of entrepreneurship training graduates at PKBM Karang Putih.
This research uses a quantitative approach with a correlational type. The population in this study were all entrepreneurship training graduates at PKBM Karang Putih, totaling 75 people with a sample of 60% (45). The sampling technique used is Cluster Random Sampling and the data analysis technique uses percentage and product moment formulas.
The results of this research show that the self-concept of entrepreneurship training graduates is not yet of high quality and the interest in entrepreneurship of entrepreneurship training graduates is low, and there is a significant relationship between self-concept and interest in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship training graduates at PKBM Karang Putih. It is recommended that: (1) Entrepreneurship training graduates are expected to understand the importance of having a self-concept and interest in entrepreneurship (2) Institutions can provide training or materials regarding the importance of a positive self-concept
Keywords: Self-concept, Interest in entrepreneurship
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