Tutor Competence in Realizing the Success of Japanese Language Training Participants (Case Study at LPK Proklamator Padang)

Putri Amelia(1), Lili Dasa Putri(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/spektrumpls.v12i1.127308

Full Text:    Language : en


This research is motivated by the unique phenomenon in Japanese language training at LPK Proclamator, which is the number of training participants who graduated and participated At LPK Proclamator. This is influenced by the competence of a tutor. This study aims to determine the tutor's competence in Japanese language training at Padang Proclamator LPK.

This study uses a qualitative approach, with a case study research method. The data sources in this study are managers, tutors, Japanese language training participants. Data collection techniques conducted in this study are observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data validity techniques are by using source triangulation, triangulation of theoretical methods and triangulation.

The results showed that (1) Pedagogical Competency Tutor LPK Proclamator was able to manage learning well (2) Personality Competence LPK Proclamator Tutor was able to show a steady and stable, mature, wise, authoritative and noble attitude (3) Social Competence of LPK Proclamator tutors able to communicate , associating and working together with trainees, managers and administrative staff (4) Professional Competencies LPK Proclamator Tutors are able to tutors to master the material using varied teaching techniques so that trainees do not get bored, use powerpoint in delivering material and applying with daily life and Tutors use technology and information.

Keywords: Tutor Competency, Training, LPK

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