Problems, Challenges, Dynamics and Supervision Innovation on Nonformal Education In Indonesia

Alim Harun Pamungkas(1),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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The dynamics of non-formal education supervision in Indonesia and other developing countries involve various institutions, stakeholders and policy changes that can affect its implementation. Innovations in non-formal education supervision, such as the use of technology, community involvement and participatory approaches, can help improve the effectiveness of non-formal education supervision. In its implementation, challenges and problems in non-formal education supervision include limited resources, the diversity of non-formal education institutions, changes in policies and regulations, and community understanding and concern that need to be overcome. Solutions to overcome the challenges of non-formal education supervision involve improving the competence of supervisors, optimizing existing resources, involving the community, adapting changes in policies and regulations, and cooperation between supervision agencies, non-formal education institutions, government and related stakeholders.


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