Implementation of Soap-Making Training at UPTD Minyak Atsiri, Padang City
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
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Full Text: Language : en
The fact that the participants were successful in reaching their objective of developing the participants' abilities and also their skills regarding soap-making activities. With the UPTD of Essential Oils in the City of Padang, which created a soap-making training program, it could help realize the wishes of the participants and achieve the implementation of the program provided by the institution. The teaching method is very influential in the delivery of material, so that participants can make soap products and market these products so that they can increase the economy of each participant. When conducting research, a qualitative methodology known as the case study method is used. The training participants who served as the study's subjects, the instructors, and the soap-making committee served as the study's informants. Utilized data collection methods comprise seeing, recording, and speaking with people. The methods of data analysis employed are data reduction, data display, and conclusion-making. Method triangulation and source triangulation are both used in the data validation process. The findings due to investigation show lest implementation of soap-making training at the UPTD Essential OilsThe conclusion is that; a) participants understand the terms and conditions provided by the UPTD. b) participants know the function and are able to use the equipment properly. c) participants understand each step in the soap-making process. d) participants saw directly the process of making soap using the demonstration method. e) participants master the material and succeed in making soap
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