Relationship Between Persuasive Communication of Tutor with Student's Learning Outcome on Civic Education Subject at Cahaya Abadi Community Learning Center Surian Village

Syafnur Fadhilah Jumah(1), Setiawati Setiawati(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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The background of this research is the low learning outcomes of citizens studying in PPKN lessons in the Package C learning program at PKBM Cahaya Abadi Nagari Surian. This is presumably due to the low persuasive communication of the tutor. This study aims to: 1) see the description of the tutor's persuasive communication in the implementation of package C learning activities at PKBM Cahaya Abadi Nagari Surian, 2) see the picture of learning outcomes for PPKN package C subjects at PKBM Cahaya Abadi Nagari Surian, 3) see the relationship of tutor persuasive communication with the learning outcomes of citizens learning on the subject of PPKN package C at PKBM Cahaya Abadi Nagari Surian.

This research was conducted with a correlational quantitative approach that aims to examine the relationship between persuasive communication and learning outcomes. The research population is all residents studying package C in PKBM Cahaya Abadi Nagari Surian as many as 44 people, the academic year 2020/2021 is an odd semester, the sampling technique is stratified random sampling and taken as many as 70%, namely 31 people. The data collection method uses a questionnaire with a statement list format as a data collection tool, data analysis techniques use the percentage formula and to find correlations using the Product Moment formula.

The results of the study prove that: 1) The description of the persuasive communication of package C tutors at PKBM Cahaya Abadi Nagari Surian is categorized as low; 2) The description of the learning outcomes of learning residents in the PPKN package C subject at PKBM Cahaya Abadi Nagari Surian is categorized as moderate, and; 3) there is a significant relationship between the tutor's persuasive communication and the learning outcomes of residents studying the PPKN package C subject at PKBM Cahaya Abadi Nagari Surian. It is hoped that the manager will help improve the quality of tutors' persuasive communication so that they have good skills in the quality of their persuasive communication.

Keywords: Persuasive Communication; Learning outcomes


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