Volunteer Values ​​in the Implementation of Community Education (Study on the GADABAK! Community in South Solok Regency

Agung Dwi Putra(1), Encep Syarief Nurdin(2), Yadi Ruyadi(3),
(1) Univeritas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Univeritas Pendidikan Indonesia  Indonesia
(3) Univeritas Pendidikan Indonesia  Indonesia

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/spektrumpls.v10i1.116532

Full Text:    Language : en


In 2017 Handriva Fauzi founded the GADABAK! in South Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province as a tool to fulfill organizational needs for young people who have an interest in education, arts and culture, tourism and the environment. The research approach used is qualitative with a phenomenological design. The results of this study indicate that the life experience of institutional managers is a manifestation of the impetus that influences the emergence of decisions to take voluntary action as the basis for managing the institution.

Keywords: voluntarism, non-formal education, development, community


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