Efforts to Improve Japanese Language Skills of Prospective Workers at Mirai Jaya Indralaya Job Training Institute

Nariyah Nariyah(1), Shomedran Shomedran(2),
(1) Universitas Sriwijaya  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Sriwijaya  Indonesia

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/spektrumpls.v10i3.115104

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This study aims to determine the efforts to improve the Japanese language skills of prospective workers at LPK Mirai Jaya Indralaya, with a qualitative descriptive type of research. Data was collected using interview, observation and documentation methods with research subjects LPK Mirai Jaya managers, instructors, learning residents and alumni of LPK Mirai Jaya. The results obtained in this study are: 1) Internal efforts made by LPK Mirai Jaya in improving the Japanese language skills of prospective workers are going well. These efforts include education and training, as well as a learning community ability test which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Japan Foundation. 2) External efforts made by students at LPK Mirai Jaya to support the efforts made by LPK Mirai Jaya managers, namely the competence of learning citizens, active learning of citizens, and Japanese language skills.


Keywords: Effort, Japanese language, skill


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