Disputing Irrational Belief in Adolescent Using Cognitive Simulation: A Case Study

Adnan Arafani(1), Ciptro Handrianto(2), Ahmet Serhat Uçar(3), Yeni Karneli(4),
(1) Sultan Idris Education University  Malaysia
(2) Sultan Idris Education University  Malaysia
(3) Anadolu University  Turkey
(4) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/spektrumpls.v9i2.112598

Full Text:    Language : en


The adolescent problems discussed in individual counselling sessions vary widely. The approach the counsellor uses has an effect on the way the problem is solved and the follow-up determines the recurrence of the same problem. The use of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy focuses on aspects of irrational thinking as the root of individual problems. This article examines the case of a teenager and then determines the existing irrational thought patterns. This study uses a qualitative case study method by analyzing the counselling process. This study concluded that adolescents with emotional maturity tend to be potentially irrational by "demanding" and "awfulizing". This article recommends that educators outside of school and at school improve the rational thinking skills of adolescents through various awareness education.


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