Relationship Between Learning Media and Learning Motivation for Participants in Bread and Cake Making Training at BLK Batusangkar

Intan Suci Aulia(1), Setiawati Setiawati(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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This research was motivated by the low learning motivation of the participants in the bread and cake making training which was assumed by the learning media used by the instructor to be less attractive. The objectives of this study were (1) To see the description of the instructional media in the training of making bread and cakes at BLK Batusangkar. (2) Looking at the description of the learning motivation of the participants in the bread and cake making training at BLK Batusangkar. (3) Knowing the relationship between the learning media and the learning motivation of the participants in the training of making bread and cakes at BLK Batusangkar.This research uses a quantitative approach with a correlational type. The population in this study were 32 learning citizens and 75% of the sample was taken or consisted of 24 learning citizens using the cluster proportional random sampling method, techniques in data collection using questionnaires, and data collection tools in the form of a list of statements. The data analysis technique used the percentage formula and rank order. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The instructional media in the training of making bread and cakes are categorized as poor. (2) The learning motivation of the citizens to learn in the bread and cake making training is categorized low. (3) There is a significant relationship between the learning media and the learning motivation of the learning community in the bread and cake-making training at BLK Batusangkar. It is expected that instructors can increase learning motivation by using more attractive learning media.

Keywords: Learning Media, Learning Motivation


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