Description of Coaching in the Activeness of Organizational Cadres in the Arts Activity Unit of Universitas Negeri Padang

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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This study has a motive framework for the activeness of cadres in following coaching at the UK-Kes organization, Padang State University. This study aims to describe, 1) fostering the activeness of cadres at the UK-Kes State University of Padang on the planning aspect, 2) fostering the activeness of cadres at the UK-Kes, Padang State University in the organizational aspect, 3) fostering the activeness of UK-Kes cadres at Padang State University at mobilizing aspects, 4) fostering the activeness of cadres at the UK-Kes, Padang State University on the development aspect, 5) fostering the activeness of cadres at the UK-Kes, Padang State University on the assessment aspect, 6) fostering the activeness of cadres in the UK-Kes, Padang State University on the development aspect . This research has a type of quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study were 48 cadres in the UK-Kes organization, Padang State University. The sample used as much as 50% of the total population of 24 people. In this study, sampling using simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study used google form for questionnaire collection. Data collection uses a technique that uses the percentage formula. The results showed that: (1) Organizational Cadre Activeness fostering in the UK-Kes, Padang State University was considered good from the planning aspect, (2) Organizational Cadre Activeness fostering at UK-KES State University of Padang seen from the organizational aspect was said to be good (3) ) Development of Organizational Cadre Activeness at UK-Kes, Padang State University, seen from the aspect of mobilizing it, has been said to be good, (4) The development of Organizational Cadre Activeness at UK-Kes, Padang State University, seen from the aspect of guidance, has been said to be good, (5) Development of Organizational Cadre Activeness in From the aspect of assessment, the UK-Kes of Padang State University has been said to be good, (6) The development of organizational cadres in the UK-Kes, Padang State University, seen from the aspect of development, is said to be good.
Keywords: Coaching, Cadre Activeness
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