Description of Coaching in the Activeness of Organizational Cadres in the Arts Activity Unit of Universitas Negeri Padang

Arina Fadhilah(1), Alim Harun Pamungkas(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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This study has a motive framework for the activeness of cadres in following coaching at the UK-Kes organization, Padang State University. This study aims to describe, 1) fostering the activeness of cadres at the UK-Kes State University of Padang on the planning aspect, 2) fostering the activeness of cadres at the UK-Kes, Padang State University in the organizational aspect, 3) fostering the activeness of UK-Kes cadres at Padang State University at mobilizing aspects, 4) fostering the activeness of cadres at the UK-Kes, Padang State University on the development aspect, 5) fostering the activeness of cadres at the UK-Kes, Padang State University on the assessment aspect, 6) fostering the activeness of cadres in the UK-Kes, Padang State University on the development aspect . This research has a type of quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study were 48 cadres in the UK-Kes organization, Padang State University. The sample used as much as 50% of the total population of 24 people. In this study, sampling using simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study used google form for questionnaire collection. Data collection uses a technique that uses the percentage formula. The results showed that: (1) Organizational Cadre Activeness fostering in the UK-Kes, Padang State University was considered good from the planning aspect, (2) Organizational Cadre Activeness fostering at UK-KES State University of Padang seen from the organizational aspect was said to be good (3) ) Development of Organizational Cadre Activeness at UK-Kes, Padang State University, seen from the aspect of mobilizing it, has been said to be good, (4) The development of Organizational Cadre Activeness at UK-Kes, Padang State University, seen from the aspect of guidance, has been said to be good, (5) Development of Organizational Cadre Activeness in From the aspect of assessment, the UK-Kes of Padang State University has been said to be good, (6) The development of organizational cadres in the UK-Kes, Padang State University, seen from the aspect of development, is said to be good.

Keywords: Coaching, Cadre Activeness


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