This research is motiveated by the low social relations of children with friends around where he lives. This can be seen from the behavior shown as children often play alone compared to their friends. This study aims to determine early childhood social development in family X from Timbrun. This approach is a case study type qualitative research. The research informants were parents, of class A-1 TK Awalidil Jannah Timbulun reachers and neighbors. Data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations and field notes. Data analysis techniques followed the procedures of Miles and Huberman: 1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data presentation, and 4) validation. The data validity method used in this study was source triangulation. The results showed that the social development of early childhood in family X in Timbulun: 1) children’s understanding of themselves; children like to draw and write, whether in magazines, books or single sheets of paper. 2) A sense of responsibility for themselves and others: children have begun to be responsible for both themselves and others such as putting things in their place, washing hands, other hygiene fiber. 3) Prosocial behavior: the child has begun to open up to his friends.
Keywords: social Development, Early Childhood, Family