Peranan Perpustakaan Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 14 Laban Kecamatan IV Jurai Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan


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This article discusses the role of School Libraries to Improve Student Reading Interest Class V 14 Laban Public Elementary School District of South Coastal District IV Jurai. Based on data analysis, concluded the following things. First, the role of the State Primary School Library 14 Laban District of South Coastal District IV Jurai as a source of learning and the development of students' interest in reading has not gone well. Second, the factors that lead to low student interest to visit Public Elementary School Library 14 Laban the District IV Jurai southern Coastal District are (1) lack of student interest in reading, (2) lack of collection, (3) incomplete infrastructure facilities library, (4) lack of activity promotion program library, and (5) not a professional librarian in the library field. Third, efforts to make students interested librarians to visit the library, namely, (1) building a library to organize interesting and comfortable place to visit, (2) provide a new source of reading according to the needs of students, (3) adequate facilities, (4 ) became a professional librarian, and librarians that is friendly to pemustakanya.
Keywords: role; library; reading; public elementary schools
Keywords: role; library; reading; public elementary schools
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