JIPPSD History

JIPPSD was first published in July 2017 (Vol.1, No.1) with a total of 8 (eight) articles. 4 (four) articles came from within the institution (including articles for Master and Doctoral Program students in Basic Education FIP UNP) and 4 (four) articles from outside the institution. In Vol.2, No.1 July 2018, the article formation has been changed with categories: 5 articles from within the institution and 5 articles from outside the institution. To increase the accreditation rating, JIPPSD then accepts articles from lecturers, teachers, practitioners, consultants, education experts, and research articles for students who have a high concern for quality improvement, educational innovation, and learning in elementary schools. Furthermore, JIPPSD published 10 articles with a portion of 60% of articles from outside the institution and 40% of articles from within the institution (Universitas Negeri Padang).