Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Bangun Ruang Di Kelas V SD
This study aimed to determine the effect of Discovery Learning to geometry nets (cube and beam) learning outcomes at grade V SD Dian Andalas Padang. The type of research was quasi experiment with nonequivalent control group design. The sampling of research was students of class VA and VB at SD Dian Andalas Padang. it used purporsive sampling technique. The instrument was an objective test in multiple choice form. The Data analysis technique used t-test. The result of research showed the effect of Discovery Learning approach to geometry nets learning outcomes. It proved by the acquisition of tcountwas (3.30)> ttable (2.00). It showed that the geometry nets result of the two classes were different significantly. The average post-test in experiment class was higher than control class. The average of experimental class which applied Discovery Learning approach was 79,21. While the average of control class which applied conventional learning was 66,24.
Keywords: Discovery Learning model, learning outcomes.
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