Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Tematik Sekolah Dasar
The research aims to observe the effect of the Problem Based Learning model on students’ learning outcome of thematic learning in Grade V of Elementary Schools in Cluster II of Guguk Panjang Sub-district, Bukittinggi in the 2018/2019 school year. The type of research is an experimental research of true-experimental design in the form of pretest-posttest control group design. Data collection of the sampel was performed in simple random sampling. The sample of this research is 68 students. The result employed a t-test, with t count of 2.7606 and t table of 1.66827 with α = 0.05, wich mean that tcount >t table. This means that Ha is accepted. Therefore, it is concluded that the Problem Based Learning model has a significant effect on the students’ learning outcomes on the thematic learning of Grade V of Elementary Schools in Cluster II of Guguk Panjang Sub-district, Bukittinggi.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning Model, learning outcome, thematic learning.
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