Nina Wahyuni - Universitas Negeri Padang
Lufri Lufri - Universitas Negeri Padang


The 2013 curriculum focuses on active learning by scientific approach. Students are expected to be able to construct an understanding of the subject matter through scientific steps, namely observing, asking questions, gathering information, associating and communicating. This is inseparable from the teaching materials used in the learning process. Based on this, this research was conducted to develop a science module based on a scientific approach on the material of life organization systems for grade 7th junior high school students. This type of research is research and development (R and D) using the Plomp development model which consists of the preliminary research stage, the development or prototyping phase and the assessment phase. The initial investigation stage includes curriculum analysis, problem analysis and learning, and analysis of teaching materials. The development stage includes the design and development of a prototype, and the assessment stage includes practicality and effectiveness testing. However, in conducting research in the current Covid-19 pandemic season, researchers have limited it to the stage of developing prototypes that are validated by experts (expert validity). The research data is primary data obtained from a validity questionnaire and analyzed descriptively. Based on the research that has been done, a valid science module based on a scientific approach has been produced on the material of life organization systems for grade 7th junior high school students with a validity value of 95.6%. Thus, it can be concluded that the science module based on the scientific approach developed by the researcher has very valid criteria.


Scientific Approach; Science Module; Student

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