Jurnal Geografi

Journal Information


Print ISSN2337-8301
Online ISSN2656-1271
DOI Prefix10.24036
PublisherDepartment of Teacher Education in Padang State Early Childhood Education
Editor in ChiefYaswinda
Frequency2 issues per year
Focus & ScopeJournal Ilmiah Pesona PAUD is research, study and analysis related to early childhood education which include; development of moral and religious values, physical motor development, emotional social development, cognitive development, language development, artistic and creative development, parenting,  management early childhood education institutions, early childhood development assessment, child development  and psychology, child empowerment, ,learning strategies, children's play, instructional media, innovation in early childhood education and various fields related to Early Childhood Education.

Jurnal Description

JURNAL ILMIAH PESONA PAUD began publishing in March 2012 with p-ISSN no 2337-8301 with a frequency of 6 times a year. This journal was re-managed and published twice a year in the printed and electronic versions in 2018. each of which had p ISSN no 2337-8301 and e ISSN no 2656-1271 by the Department of Teacher Education in Padang State Early Childhood Education. As a national journal that has implemented an open access peer-reviewed journal system. Manuscripts that enter through the review process, the results of the review will be informed to the authors of the paper through the Open Journal System (OJS). This journal is dedicated to original articles published in Indonesian and English as a scientific forum for Early Childhood Education studies for lecturers, researchers, reviewers, practitioners, and S1 / S2 / S3 students.