Kardinal Kardinal(1), Elfi Tasrif(2),
(1)   Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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A web-based e-commerce system is designed to assist in the process of manually identifying data in order to improve the computerized online ecosystem. This Web-based E-commerce system uses the MVC (Model View Controller) technique with PHP and PHP Javascript programming languages, with MySQL as a Database Management System (DBMS), and Sublime Text as an editor. Produce a Web-based E-commerce system that is intended to process sales, ordering, and shipping data. The purchase information system uses the Salsa Sport shop, but still uses simple information delivery media for goods and services that are still not maximal. With the existence of computers as data processing tools, all fields needed by companies or agencies can be computerized, in this case very important fields and the main because this can support companies in achieving freedom by creating a database system that will be used. In a well-computerized e-commerce system between the database system, user interface, and the user itself with the addition of providing optimal computerized solutions, speed and accuracy of data processing, and reducing the error rate during the process of purchasing goods in the Salsa Sport Shop takes place .

Keywords: E-Commerce, Web System, Laravel


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