The objectives of the research are to find about to what extent classwide peer tutoring can improve students' speaking skill and what factors influence the changes of students' speaking skill through classwide peer tutoring at grade X of Accounting 2 at SMK Labor Binaan FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. This is a Classroom
Action Research (CAR). The participants of the research were students of X Accounting 2 at SMK Labor
Binaan FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. The research was conducted with 3 meetings in each cycle. It was started on
March 29, 2011 - May 14, 2011. The data were collected from observation sheets. fieldnotes, interview, and oral tests. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that the application of CWPT had better improved the students' speaking skill. The students' average score before the application of CWPT was only 46.41. Then, it improved at the end of cycle I and II, 69.12 and 86.98. The improvement was also influenced by some factors: (1) Tutoring activities that let the students to be tutor and tutee. (2) The speaking activity that could build the students' confidence and fluency in using English when they perform in front of the class. (3) The teacher's role who guided the students in the class. In short, the application of CWPT in teaching speaking could provide better improvement of students' speaking skill.
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