Herlina Herlina, Melati Melati


The aim of this research was to find out whether or not it was significantly effective to teach speaking by using curiosity box strategy to vocational level students. The subject of this research was the eleventh grade students of Vocational High School Number 2 Lubuklinggau. In this research, the writer formulated two hypotheses. There were null hypothesis (Ho) and alternative hypothesis (Ha). In this design, the writer used pre-experimental method. The total population was 297 students and sample of the research was 32 students taken through cluster random sampling. The writer used oral test as a technique for collecting the data. The data was analyzed through four techniques: 1) students’ individual score; 2) comparison to minimum mastery criteria; 3) normality test and 4) paired t-test. Based on data analysis, it showed that the  student’s average score pre-test was 53.21 while the post-test was 72.14. Thus, the result of paired t-test calculation was 14.02 which was higher than 1.697 as critical value with degree of freedom 31 (32-1) with 95% significant level for one-tailed test. Finally, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means that it was significantly effective to teach speaking by using curiosity box strategy to vocational level students at Vocational High School Number 2 Lubuklinggau.


teaching, speaking, and curiosity box strategy

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