Analisis Persuasif pada Iklan Susu Steril Collagena


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The language of advertising really determines consumers' choice. When preparing advertisements, especially new product advertisements, you must be able to choose the right words, attractive advertisement stars, and clear information. This research aims to analyze the advertising text for Collagena sterile milk. The analysis method used covers various aspects, such as main messages, persuasive techniques, visual and auditory elements, target audience, and the appeal of Korean celebrities. The results of the analysis of this advertisement provide a message through the phrase "Young Milk" which has a simple but strong meaning, namely "by drinking Collagena milk you can stay young". The use of Korean artists who are in a trance is one of the main strategies used to build emotional closeness with the audience. The persuasive technique in this advertisement involves several bandwagon effect approaches. The emotional appeal approach is used to build an emotional connection between the product and consumers by conveying benefits, namely "no wrinkles, no porous". The visual and auditory elements in this advertisement show a relatable scene, namely showing a Korean artist who remains youthful apparently consuming Collagena. By providing clear information about the need for collagen and calcium, this advertisement is attractive for consumption to ensure that bones do not become porous easily and skin does not wrinkle easily.
Keywords: Keywords: persuasive analysis, sterile Milk, youth milk
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