Vol 16, No 2 (2022)

The articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by authors from Indonesia and Bangladesh.


Fostering Bilingual Creativity in English Poetry Classroom: A Postcolonial Creative Writing Strategy
Winda Setia Sari | | FBS, Universitas Negeri Medan  Indonesia ,
Anna Tambunan | | FBS, Universitas Negeri Medan  Indonesia ,
Citra Anggia Putri | | FBS, Universitas Negeri Medan  Indonesia ,
Juli Rachmadani Hasibuan | | FBS, Universitas Negeri Medan  Indonesia
Download PDF  |  10.24036/ld.v16i2.120365  |  Published : 2022-12-12  |  Pages : 193-201
Article Metrics :  Abstract views 284 times  |  Downloaded 76 times

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