A multi-cultural study on perceived social support and resilience towards academic stress among international students during covid-19

(1) Department of Developmental Psychology, University of Indonesia 

(2) Department of Developmental Psychology, University of Indonesia 

(3) Department of Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Negeri Padang 

Copyright (c) 2022 Sania Aziz, Winarini Wilman D. Mansoer, Ifdil Ifdil
DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/02022112120477-0-00
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The current study aimed to see the correlation of perceived social support in enhancing resilience in international students towards academic stress and COVID-19 stress. Extend to which the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is affecting worldwide. This study explores social support and resilience towards academic stress and COVID-19 stress in international students—the sample of 83 International Asian and African students, respectively taken from different Countries and universities. The results revealed a significant effect of perceived social support and resilience towards COVID-19 stress. However, further results showed there was a non-significant relationship between perceived social support, resilience towards academic stress.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sania Aziz, Winarini Wilman D. Mansoer, Ifdil Ifdil

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