Impact of covid-19 on mood of dental professionals worldwide

Müberra Kulu(1), Filiz Özsoy(2), Esra Bihter Gürler(3),
(1) Tokat Psychiatry Hospital, Tokat  Turkey
(2) Tokat Governmental Hospital, Psychiatry Clinics, Tokat  Indonesia
(3) Atlas University, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Istanbul  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2021 esra bihter gurler, Müberra KULU, filiz özsoy


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Oral health professionals perceive that dentistry is more stressful than other health professions. Supporting the mental health of dentists is a critical part of Covid-19 pandemic. The present study designed to investigate future anxiety and stress of dentists worldwide due to Covid-19 pandemic. A total of 1022 participants completed a self-administered online questionnaire. The relationships between variables are evaluated by Student’s unpaired t-tests and Mann-Whitney U test. Relationships with p<0.05 or less were considered statistically significant. The result of research is The mean ±SD  perceived stress scale was 34.17±5.32 females were insignificantly higher than males, whose mean was 33.13± 5.75. Similar to the perceived stress, the mean ±SD future anxiety was 111.3±32.97 in females and 98.99±33.35 in males. Future anxiety is not personal, it is societal and there is no significant difference between males and females in any subject.


Covid-19, Anxiety, Dentists


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