Development of interactive multimedia related information about senior high school on guidance and counseling
(1) Universitas Negari Jakarta  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Jakarta  Indonesia
(3) Universitas Negeri Jakarta  Indonesia
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Copyright (c) 2018 Aip Badrujaman, Meithy Intan Rukia Luawo, Wening Cahyawulan
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This study aims to develop interactive multimedia as a viable medium to be used in individual planning services about information on State High Schools in the school zone for the domicile of the new Kebayoran sub-district. The research was conducted at Purnama Middle School in Jakarta. The research used is the ADDIE development model with three stages, (1) analysis, (2) design and (3) development. The instruments used were expert validation questionnaires and user trial questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is formative evaluation techniques. The results of material validation show the category “very feasible” with a percentage of 83.33%. Then the results of media validation show the category “very feasible” with a percentage of 91.11%. The results of user trial conducted on five students showed the category “feasible” in the aspect of the media with a percentage of 81.6%, the category “feasible” in the material aspect with a percentage of 79%, and the category “very feasible” in the aspect media with a percentage of 82%.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Aip Badrujaman, Meithy Intan Rukia Luawo, Wening Cahyawulan
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