Student gadget addiction behavior in the perspective of respectful framework

(1) Universitas Negeri Surabaya 

Copyright (c) 2018 Frida Putri Wardhani
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Someone who use gadget in the right way will get benefits. Meanwhile, people who can not control gadget itself will get some negative impact. One of negative impact is people will become addicted in gadget. This research finds the behavior of gadget addicted for students based on respectful framework. This research is qualitative descriptive design. Research instruments are interview, observation, and documentation. The primary informants come from two students of Junior High School 1 Karangrejo who also being the subject of research. Meanwhile, the proponent informant come from parents from two students who are the subject of research and school counselor. It's meant assessment by respectful framework has differences behavior and factors that influence student behaviors.
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