Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mencuci Pakaian Melalui Multi Metode Pada Anak Tunagrahita Mampu Latih

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Khusus
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This study discusses the improvement of children's laundry skills tunagrahita able to train. Unskilled children washing clothes. The objective of the study was to prove that multi-methods effectively improve the washing skills of children's tunagrahita are able to train. The research used experimental type of single subject research (SSR) design A-B-A.
Baseline (A) research results before treatment were given for 5 meetings with mean of 27%, direction tendency and change of horizontal data. The intervention condition (B) of multi-method treatment during 8 times meeting with mean 70.5%, direction tendency and data changes increase. The baseline condition (A2) is no longer treated for 5 meetings with mean 89.2%, direction tendency and data changes increase. Overlape data has a low percentage. In conclusion multi methods can improve the skills of children's washing tunagrahita able to trainKeywords
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