Efektivitas E-book Fisika SMA/MA Terintegrasi Materi Gempa Bumi Berbasis Model Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan SikapTanggap Peserta Didik

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/jppf.v8i1.116536
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Indonesia was one of the countries which was frequently shook by earthquake. School education was believed could be the right institution for giving understanding about earthquake materials. Earthquake materials could be integrated into study resource. One of study resource that could be developed based on 21th century learning process was electronic book or e-book. The aim of this research was to rendering integrated physics e-book of earthquake material based on problem based learning to improve the responsiveness of students. This research used is a Quasi Experiment research. The population this research was the students of grade X MIA in SMAN 2 Ranah Pesisir which registered at he academic year of 2020/2021. The samples used is Purpose Sampling. This research instruments used is responsiveness competence through observation sheet, knowledge competence through pretest and posttest, skills competence through performance. The data of responsiveness an skill competence obtained were analyzed by using chart analysis and the data of the knowledge competence were analysis by using N-gain. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that: 1) average responsiveness attitude of competence is 87% with very good categories, 2) N-gain of knowledge competence is 0,85 with high categories, and 3) average skill competence is 92% with very good categories. This shows that there are Integrated Physics e-book of earthquake material based on problem based learning was valid, practical, and effective for increasing the pupils competencies, which includes competencies of responsiveness attitude, knowledge, and skill.
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