Praktikalitas dan Efektifitas Emodul Fisika Berbasis inkuiri Terbimbing Terintegrasi Etnosains Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Peserta Didik

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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This research is based on the unavailability of teaching materials that are integrated with the learning model in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. In addition, the available teaching materials have not taken advantage of technological develpments that make it easier for students to learning. This study aims to see the practicality and the effectiveness of the development of guided inquiry based physics e-modul integrated with ethnoscience to improve students creative thinking skills. The research uses the ADDIE development model. The research instrument uses skala Likert and test questions that are in accordance with the category of creative thinking skills. The results of the practicality for teacher’s respon is 89,5 % and student’s respond is 79%. The results of the effectiveness value were analyzed using N-Gain score. From the results of the study it was founs that the value of he effectiveness of the e-module was 0,66 with a medium category. This shows that the guided inquiry- based physics e-modul integrated with ethnoscience to improve student’s creative thinking skills is effectively used in learning.
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