Penggunaan Metode Libqual+Tm untuk Mengukur Kualitas Layanan di UPT Perpustakaan UNP



Copyright (c) 2017 Ilmu Informasi Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan
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This paper discussed about librarians service quality toward users. The librarians of the Library of Padang State University were chosen as an object of a research. Data was collected through questionaires those were given to 40 users who were taken as a sample by using random sampling technique. The data was analized by using the Libqual+TM method. Based on the results of the research, it is concluded that the index score of satisfaction users (IKP) in each dimension of Libqual+TM are: (1) the ability and attitude of librarians in serving (service Affect-sa), in a value of IKP 12%, (2)facilities and atmosphere of the space dimension of the library (library as place-lp), in a value of IKP 13.80%, (3) the instructions and means of access (personal control-pc), in a value of 14.66% IKP, (4) access to information (information access-it) in a value of 13.15% IKP.
Keyword: libqual + tm, service.
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