Gender Equality in the Global Research Publication: The Bibliometric Review and Scientific Visualization

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 

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human rights, namely “gender equality”. The language of “gender equality” was
mobilized by feminists as a way to incorporate women's rights into the international
development agenda. Using bibliometric analysis of scientific journal articles taken from
the Scopus database, which totaled 504 journal articles, this study aims to document
evidence of research activities in 2012-2021 in the Scopus database, and visualize it using
VOSviewer and NVivo 12 plus software. The article reports on the publication and its
citation structure, key trends, and its growing push toward co-authoring. This study also
visualizes the most prominent topics and authors in the form of a network, using
VOSviewer's bibliometric analysis and mapping of themes and their correlations using
NVivo 12 plus. The novelty of this research is the composition of limitations in the Scopus
database, as well as data processing using VOSviewer and NVivo 12 plus software.
Further research, it is necessary to enrich the composition of limitations in the Scopus
database, and compare it with the Web of Science database.
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