The Borrowing Process of English Loanwords on Covid-19 in Indonesian

(1) UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (SATU) Tulungagung 

(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 

Copyright (c) 2021 Humanus
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This research was aimed at finding out the patterns of English loans on Covid-19 into Indonesian and their borrowing processes. Data for this qualitative study were English borrowing words and phrases functioning to denote Covid-19 issues which are massively used by Indonesians. The data were obtained from various sources such as mass media, official documents, notices in public places, daily conversation, and others. The classification of borrowing by Haugen (1950) was used in this study. Data analysis was done by comparing the original forms of the loanwords and the phonologically-and-morphologically ‘imitated’ ones. Findings of this study reveal that English loans on Covid-19 can be classified into loanwords, loanblends, and loanshift, each of which has its own borrowing processes. None-phonemic substitution, partial-phonemic substitution, and total phonemic substitution are the borrowing process of loanwords. Spelling adjustment and letter omission are the borrowing methods of loanblends. Loan translation is the only borrowing process for loanshift. This study recommends that future research use more data on health realm in order to make a more comprehensive description of the borrowing process in Indonesian.
Keywords: borrowing process; covid-19, loanblend; loanshift; loanword.
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Saputra, W. J., Subiyantoro, S., & Setiawan, B. (2021). Readibility , Meaning , and Function of Foreign Language onAbdulloh, A., Sarsono, S., & Muslim, I. (2020). English Borrowings in Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of English Language and Literature (JELL), 5(02), 17–30.
Alamsyah, A. (2018). Local Language, Bahasa Indonesia, or Foreign Language? 125, 61–66.
All, U. T. C. (1950). The Analysis of Linguistic Borrowing Author ( s ): Einar Haugen Published by : Linguistic Society of America Stable URL : REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article : reference # references _ ta. 26(2), 210–231.
Ariyati, L. mas. (2014). the Analysis of English Loan and Borrowing Words Used By Information and Technology Writers in Thesis Abstracts. Jurnal Sosial Humaniora, 7(2), 226–253.
Asfina, R., & Ovilia, R. (2017). Be Proud of Indonesian Cultural Heritage Richness and Be Alert of Its Preservation Efforts in the Global World. Humanus, 15(2), 195.
Dashti, A. A., & Dashti, F. (2017). Morphological Adaptation of English Loanwords in Twitter: Educational Implications. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(3), 231.
Hafez, O. (1996). Phonological and Morphological Integration of Loanwords into Egyptian Arabic. Égypte/Monde Arabe, 27–28, 383–410.
Hayati, Y. (2016). Pemakaian Bahasa Asing dalam Sastra Anak Karya Anak di Indonesia. Humanus, XV(2), 226–235.
Hoffer, B. (2005). Language borrowing and the indices of adaptability and receptivity. Intercultural Communication Studies, 14(2), 53.
Jayantini, I. G. A. S. R., Yadnya, I. B. P., Suparwa, I. N., & Puspani, I. A. M. (2017). Translating English Medical Terms into Indonesian: A Study of Phonological Translation and Spelling Adjustment. International Journal of English Language &Translation Studies, 05(03), 86–95.
Juliawan, M. D. (2017). an Analysis of Phonemic and Graphemic Changes of English Loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia Appearing in Magazine Entitled “Chip.” International Journal of Language and Literature, 1(1), 53.
Kasdan, J., Baharudin, R., & Shamsuri, A. S. (2020). Covid-19 in the corpus of malay terminology: A socio-terminological analysis. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 20(3), 221–241.
Katamba, F. (2020). The Nature of Borrowing. In English Words.
Kebahasaan, S. (1990). Pedoman umum pembentukan istilah. 1–18.
Moehkardi, R. R. D. (2019). English Blends in Indonesian Context: Their Formation Processes and Meanings. Jurnal Humaniora, 31(1), 21.
Nurweni, A. (2013). Meanings of English Loanwords in Indonesian Articles of Sport. Humaniora, 25(2), 184–195.
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Pusat Bahasa (Indonesia). (2003). Pengindonesiaan Kata dan Ungkapan Asing. 211.
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