Profil Siswa Agresif Dan Peranan Guru BK

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(3) Universitas Negeri Padang 

Copyright (c) 2017 Konselor
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Teenshave apositiveandnegativebehavior. Negativebehavioris notcharacteristicof normaladolescent development, adolescentsaredeveloping willexhibitpositivebehavior. One of theteensindicatednegativebehaviorisaggressivebehavior. It can be seeninSMAN5Padangisquarrelsome, liketeasing,hitting, pinchingher, sayingrude, insulting. This studyaimed to describe thetype ofaggressivebehaviorof studentsandthe role ofBKteachersto addressstudents'aggressivebehaviorSMAN5Padang. This studyused a descriptive approach. The study populationwas ahigh school studentPadangN5340peoplewith atotalsampleamounted to 77people. Questionnairedata collection techniquesto use. Datawere analyzed usingMicrosoftOfficeExcel 2007. The findingsshowed thatstudents'views of theaggressiveactionshurt peoplephysicallywith apercentage of35.32%, while theaggressiveactionsof the studentviewsofhurtingpeopleverbally41.30% and aggressionseenfromdamaginganddestroyingpropertyby30percent, 42%. Thismeans thatthe presence ofaggressivebehaviorinSMAN5Padang.
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