Peningkatan Proses Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu dengan Model Value Clarification Technique (VCT) Percontohan di Kelas IV SD
This research was conducted based on the facts indicating that the integrated thematic clearning was not run as it was expected. The teacher seemed to ignore the involvement of the students in applying each of the values obtained in a learning stimulus in the form of atheacher’s demonstration. The purpose of this research was to describe the application of VCT Percontohan approach in integrated thematic learning process. This research is a class action.This research was conducted at SDNegeri 15Ulu Gadut Kota Padang. The subject of there search was the teacher and the students of class IV totaling 25 people. There sult of there search revealed that the quality of integrated thematic learning increased. This is evidenced in the first meeting cycle of the observation of RPP 81.25% (B), the second meeting increased 87.5% (B) and in the second cycle became 93.75% (SB). In the aspect of the first cycle teacher first meeting 84.40% (B), increased in the second meeting 90.62% (SB), and in the second cycle to 93.75% (SB). In the aspect of students in the first cycle meeting 84.40% (B), the second meeting increased 87.5% (SB) and in the second cycle to 93.75% (SB).
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