Merancang Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Android Untuk Mengetahui Tingkat Berpikir Geometris Siswa Kelas IV SD
The purpose of this study was to design an android-based mathematics learning media to determine the level of geometric thinking of grade IV elementary school students. This research is included in Research and Development (R & D) research which is used to produce certain products and study the problems of these products. Making the media uses Adobe Flash CS6 software that runs on an Android-based system. Furthermore, media studies are carried out by giving learning media validation sheets to material validators and media validators. The results of the validation are 61 which are in the range of 61-80 with a high category, with suggestions from the material validator that is the learning media has not reached all KI and the questions to know the level of geometric thinking students have not been Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), while the validator's suggestions the media, for the navigation key, has not been seen, the image has not used high resolution and must enhance the appearance of the media. Thus the media can be used after making repairs and additions.
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