Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pkn Siswa di Kelas V SD
This study aims to determine the significant effect on learning outcomes of student citizenship education using Problem Based Learning models. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with non equivalent control group design. The sample in this study is Class V A and V B SDN 15 Ampang Gadang. Data collection techniques use tests. Hypothesis testing in this study uses the t-test formula. Based on the calculation of the t test (t-test) on the results of pretest tcount = -0.02238 and t table = 1.68 with a significant level of α = 0.05 of 1.68, then the tcount <ttabe posttest obtained the results of tcount = 2,745 and ttable = 1 , 68 at the significant level α = 0.05 at 1.68, then t count> t table. This means that there is a significant influence on student learning outcomes of Civics by using Problem Based Learning models.
Keyword : The Problem Based Learning Model, PKn, learning outcomes models
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