Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Tema 3 Sub Tema 2 Kelas IV di SD Negeri 09 Belakang Balok Kota Bukittinggi
Purpose of this research is to find the significant effect of PBL model for learning outcomes on social studies’s part theme 3 sub theme 2 grade IV in 09 Belakang Balok Primary school. Type of this reseach is experimental with Quasy Experimental design and non eqivalendt control group design for form. Sampling technique that I used is total sampling technique and than the sample are two group, they are IVA as experimen group that used PBL model and IVB as conventional group that used conventional mode with 28 member for each group. Result of this research used t-test showing us that average score on group that used PBL is 76,25 and group that used conventional is 70,10. T-test obtained tcount 1,8524> 1.67356 ttable on a 0,05 level. Its mean we can concluse there is significant effect of PBL for the learning result.
Keywords: PBL, conventional, learnig outcomes
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