Pembelajaran IPS Dengan Menggunakan Model Cooperative learning Tipe Think Pair Share Di Sekolah Dasar

Abdul Hafiz - Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang
Nasrul Nasrul - Pembimbing 1, Universitas Negeri Padang
Mansurdin Mansurdin - Pembimbing 2, Universitas Negeri Padang


The researchis animed to improve the students’ learning outcomes in learning the Social Study Subject by using the Cooverative Learning, Think Pair Share Model at5th grade of SDN 23 Marapalam Padang.Types of this research was classroom action research with qualitative and quantitative approach. Subject of this research wereteachers (practitioners) and 31 students. The result of research was improve a) Lesson plan the cycles of I was 82,1% and the cycles II of 92,9% b) Implementation teacher’s activity of I cycle was 76,6% and II cycle was 96,9% while implementation students activity of I cycle was 76,6% and II cycle was 96,9% c) the students learning outcomes in the I cycle was 74,16 and II cycle was 84,56.It can be concluded that used Cooperative Learning Model Type Think Pair Share can improve students achievement in learning social study of elementary school.

Keyword : Learning outcomes, Social study, model


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