Student's skills in playing talempong very low. This is because teachers are too dominant in the learning activities. In addition, the authors also look at the problems that occur from the aspect of the students during the learning process of music playing talempong students simply imitate the teacher. So that students can not express themselves through the art of learning to play music talempong. Through research conducted using Quantum teaching strategies can enhance students' ability to play a musical instrument talempong .. The results based on observations of teacher activity increased from the level of success both in the first cycle to be very good on the second cycle. Student activity also increased in the first cycle degree of success considerably increased in the second cycle to be very good. Of assessment in the first cycle with the average value was 68.2 students and an increase in the second cycle with the average value is 85.5 students. In addition it also increases the learning process, students are skilled in playing a musical instrument talempong. It can be concluded by using Quantum Teaching strategies improve students' skills in playing musical instruments in the fourth grade talempong District 04 District Baso Salasa Tangah Agam District.
Kata Kunci: keterampilan, bermain talempong, quantum teachingReferences
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