Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Tematik Terpadu Menggunakan Model Problem Solving di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
This study aimed to know the improvement of student’s learning outcomes by using Problem Solving models in the grade fourth of Elementary Schools number 09 Bandar Buat Padang. The type of this study was classroom action research with kuantitative and kualitative approaches. The subjects of this study were the teachers and the students of grade fourth. The result showed: the implementation of lesson plan in cycle I B was good, cycle II SB was very good, because the lesson plan filled the criterias. The assessment of teacher’ aspects in cycle I B was good, cycle II SB was very good, because it applied based on the lesson plan and the steps of Problem Solving models. The assessment of students’ aspects in cycle I B was good, cycle II SB was very good, because it applied based on the lesson plan and the steps of Problem Solving models.The assessment of attitude aspects in cycle I was good, cycle II was very good, because students showed positive attitude based on KI-1 and KI-2. The assessment of knowledge aspects in cycle I was good, cycle II was very good, because students could solve the problem. The assessment of skills aspects in cycle I was good, cycle II was very good, because students could do skills based on categories. In the conclusion, Problem Solving models can improve of student’s learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning.
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