Analysis Correlation between Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students In Padang
Education is a essential requirement for life. The need for education can be felt in all aspects of human life. Education is inseparable from the activity of learning and the activity of teaching and educational success is inseparable from the process of learning and teaching. The problems often encountered in the process of learning is the low results obtained by the learning learners. One of the factors that influence the results of the learning outcomes is motivation. The motivation of learning is an impuls that is in someone to be more active and diligent in learning to achieve the desired learning outcomes. This research is descriptive research of correlation that aims to reveal how the correlation between motivation of learning and student learning outcomes. This research was conducted in January in grade VII SMPN 22 Padang lessons year 2018/2019. The sample consisted of 30 students in one class, VII 5. Sampling technique is simple random sampling, by drawing one class which was made of a sample. The results of the study indicate a correlation between learning motivation and the students' cognitive science learning outcomes with a value of r = 0,53, the coefficient of the thitumg was 3,31 greater than the ttable of 2,02, so it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation and positive between learning motivation and students' IPA cognitive learning outcomes in class VII 5 of SMPN 22 Padang.
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