Rancang Bangun Mesin Pembuat Minuman Varian Rasa Berbahan Dasar Kopi Seacara Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroller
(1)   Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
Corresponding Author
DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/voteteknika.v12i2.127335
Full Text: Language : id
Mesin pembuat minuman varian rasa otomatis bertujuan untuk mempermudah dalam pencampuran bahan varian minuman yang berbahan dasar kopi. Dengan sistem mesin otomatis berbasis mikrokontroller pencampuran proporsi varian bahan menjadi konsisten dan cepat saji. Rancangan mesin ini menggunakan metode waterfall dengan tahapan Analysis (Analisis), Design (Perancangan), Implementation (Penerapan), Testing (Pengujian), dan Maintenance (Pemeliharaan). Mesin yang dihasilkan dapat membuat minuman varian rasa berbahan dasar kopi, yaitu kopi pahit, kopi manis, kopi susu, kopi milo, dan kopi matcha. Takaran proporsi varian bahan minuman menggunakan rekomendasi dari SCA (Specialty Coffee Association), Kemenkes RI, dan resep minuman dari Cookpad.
Kata kunci : Mesin Minuman, Arduino Mega, Sensor Suhu, Sensor Ultrasonik, dan Motor Stepper.
The automatic flavored drink making machine aims to make it easier to mix the ingredients for coffee-based drink variants. With a microcontroller-based automatic machine system, mixing the proportions of various ingredients becomes consistent and fast. This machine design uses the waterfall method with stages of Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. The resulting machine can make coffee-based flavored drinks, namely bitter coffee, sweet coffee, milk coffee, milo coffee and matcha coffee. Measuring the proportions of drink ingredient variants uses recommendations from the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association), the Indonesian Ministry of Health, and drink recipes from Cookpad.
Keywords: Drink Machine, Arduino Mega, Temperature Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, dan Stepper Motor
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