Kontrol Otomatis dan Notifikasi pada Alat Angkat Keramba Ikan Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)

Uswatul Khair(1), Putra Jaya(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/voteteknika.v12i1.125695

Full Text:    Language : en


Alat angkat keramba ikan otomatis bertujuan untuk mengurangi dampak kematian massal ikan di Danau Maninjau yang diduga disebabkan oleh kandungan larutan H2S yang dapat diukur melalui tingkat keasaman pH. Alat ini dibuat menggunakan metode waterfall dengan tahapan Analysis (Analisis), Design (Perancangan), Implementation (Penerapan), Testing (Pengujian), dan Maintenance (Pemeliharaan). Alat yang dihasilkan dapat mendeteksi pH air di bawah 6.5 karena tercemar larutan H2S. Sinyal ini diproses melalui ESP32, yang outputnya digunakan sebagai sinyal input alat angkat keramba ikan dan notifikasi peringatan kepada penggguna untuk menyelamatkan ikan.

Kata kunci : Kontrol, Internet of Things (IoT), Aplikasi Blynk, ESP32, H2S, Sensor pH4502C, Keramba Ikan.


The automatic fish cage lifting device is designed to mitigate the impact of mass fish mortality in Lake Maninjau, suspected to be caused by the presence of H2S solution, which can be measured through the pH acidity level. This tool was created using the waterfall method with stages of Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, and Maintenance. The resulting tool can detect water pH levels below 6.5 due to contamination with H2S solution. This signal is processed through ESP32, the output of which is utilized as an input signal for the fish cage lifting device and a warning notification to the user to rescue the fish.

Keywords: Control, Internet of Things (IoT), Blynk Application, ESP32, H2S, pH4502C Sensor, Fish Cages.


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Data sheet link: (https://cdn.awsli.com.br/969/969921/arquivos/ph-sensor-ph-4502c.pdf)

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