Observasi awal ditemukan overlap kanal khususnya pada BLOK ELKA dan BLOK MESIN Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh overlap ditinjau dari parameter QoS (Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay dan Jitter) pada subjek penelitian. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, melalui pengukuran throughput, packet loss, delay dan jitter menggunakan wireshark, kemudian hasil pengukurannya dibandingkan dengan standar TIPHON/ITU-T. Penelitian menggunakan 2 jaringan WLAN yaitu wifi@unp dan @wifi.id. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa overlap kanal (Co-Channel Interference) frekuensi 2.4GHz sangat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas transmisi data. Dapat dilihat dari hasil pengukuran parameter QoS (throughput, packet loss, delay, jitter) di BLOK ELKA dan BLOK MESIN dalam kondisi overlap (Co-Channel Interference) sangat berpengaruh terhadap nilai pameter QoS pada setiap titik pengukuran. Besar pengaruh overlap ditinjau dari parameter yang paling berpengaruh adalah delay dan jitter. Nilai delay wifi@unp dan @wifi.id BLOK ELKA yang paling jelek pada TP3 @wifi.id sebesar 493,99ms. Nilai delay wifi@unp dan @wifi.id BLOK MESIN paling jelek pada TP3 jaringan @wifi.id sebesar 481,67ms, berdasarkan standar THIPON/ITU-T digolongkan jelek/buruk. Nilai jitter wifi@unp dan @wifi.id BLOK ELKA paling jelek pada TP3 @wifi.id sebesar 499,8ms, nilai jitter wifi@unp dan @wifi.id BLOK MESIN paling jelek pada TP3 @wifi.id sebesar 480,67ms, berdasarkan THIPON/ITU-T digolongkan jelek/buruk.
Kata kunci: Kanal Overlap, Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay, Jitter
Based on initial observations, kanal overlap was found, especially in the BLOK ELKA and the BLOK MESIN, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the effect of overlap in terms of QoS parameters (Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay and Jitter) on research subjects. The research method is descriptive quantitative, by measuring throughput, packet loss, delay and jitter using wireshark, then the measurement results are compared with the TIPHON/ITU-T standard. The study uses 2 WLAN networks namely wifi@unp and @wifi.id. The results of the analysis show that the channel overlap (Co-Channel Interference) of the 2.4GHz frequency greatly influences the quality of data transmission. It can be seen from the measurement results of the QoS parameters (throughput, packet loss, delay, jitter) in the BLOK ELKA and BLOK MESIN under overlapping conditions (Co-Channel Interference) that greatly affect the value of the QoS parameters at each measurement point. The amount of overlap in terms of the most influential parameters is delay and jitter. The worst delay value for wifi@unp and @wifi.id BLOK ELKA on TP3 @wifi.id is 493.99ms. The worst delay values for wifi@unp and @wifi.id BLOK MESIN on the @wifi.id network TP3 were 481.67ms, based on the THIPON/ITU-T standard, they were classified as bad/bad. The worst jitter values for wifi@unp and @wifi.id BLOK ELKA on TP3 @wifi.id were 499.8ms, the jitter values for wifi@unp and @wifi.id BLOK MESIN were the worst on TP3 @wifi.id of 480.67ms, based on THIPON/ITU-T it is classified as bad/bad.
Keywords: Kanal Overlap, Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay, Jitter