Rancang Bangun Trainer Smart Home dengan FiturVoice Recognition Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Nodemcu Esp8266 Berbasis Internet of Things

Isworo Setyo Nugroho(1), Ahmaddul Hadi(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

Corresponding Author

DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/voteteknika.v10i4.120220

Full Text:    Language : in


Sistem ini dirancang untuk memungkinkan siswa dapat membuat alat mengontrol lampu, kipas, stop kontak, dan pemanas air minum, yang memungkinkan dipantau secara online melalui jaringan internet dari smartphone. Pembuatan alat dimulai dengan proses perancangan alur blok diagram, berdasarkan rancangan blok diagram  dilakukan pemilihan spesifikasi komponen, integrasi perangkat keras, dan pemrograman sistem. Keluaran sistem dilengkapi dengan komponen yang mengontrol keadaan peralatan seperti lampu, kipas angin, soket, dan pemanas air minum. Modul Relay digunakan untuk mengontrol arus AC atau sebagai pengganti saklar kipas angin , lampu, stop kontak, dan pemanas air minum. Sistem ini menggunakan konsep Internet of Things (IoT). Dengan kata lain, terhubungnya sistem ke jaringan internet melalui mikrokontroler Node MCU ESP8266. Sistem mengakses data dari Firebase Web dan menampilkannya dalam aplikasi smartphone untuk memonitoring kondisi peralatan rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian dan pengujian menghasilkan bahwa perancangan Trainer  yang telah dibangun dapat mengontrol peralatan rumah tangga seperti lampu, kipas angin, stop kontak dan pemanas air minum.

Kata kunci : Trainer, Smart Home, RFID, NodeMCU ESP8266, Firebase.


This system is designed to allow students to make devices to control lights, fans, sockets, and drinking water heaters, which are monitored online via the internet from a smartphone. Making the tool begins with the process of designing a block diagram flow, based on the block diagram design, component specifications are selected, hardware integration, and system programming are carried out. The system output is equipped with components that control the state of equipment such as lights, fans, sockets, and drinking water heaters. Relay module used to control AC current or as a replacement for fan switches, lights, sockets, and drinking water heaters. This system uses the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). In other words, the system is connected to the internet network through the Node MCU ESP8266 microcontroller. The system accesses data from Firebase Web and displays it in a smartphone application to monitor the condition of household appliances. The results of research and testing show that the Trainer design that has been built can control household appliances such as lights, fans, sockets and drinking water heaters.

Keywords: Trainer, Smart Home, RFID, NodeMCU ESP8266, Firebase.


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