This study aims to determine the effect of media to the Discovery learning model on the subjects of Basic Electrical and Electronics class X Electronics Techniques odd semester SMKN 1 Sumatera Barat .This type of research is quasi experimental. Sampling using probability sampling technique using simple random sampling, The sample of research is class X Teknik Mekatronika A as experiment class media on Discovery Learning model and class X Teknik Mekatronika B as control class using Direct Instruction model. Technique of collecting data from post-test in control class and experiment class, then analyzed for homogeneity test, normality test and hypothesis test.The result of respondents class I research first obtain an average value of 84,20, while the respondents class II to get the average value of 78,93. The result of the calculation hypothesis at significance level α = 0.05 is obtained tcount > t table (2.20 >2,05), because t count > t table, then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is received and the null hypothesis (H0) rejected. It can be concluded that both of Discovery Learning and Direct Instruction model affected the significance of the learning outcomes to result of student learning of Basic Element of Electricity and Elektronika class X in SMK Negeri 1 Sumatera Barat.
Keywords: Discovery Learning, ( Direct Instruction) Learning Outcomes, Experimental, Control.