
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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The contraction of final assignment is purposed to develop the automatic porridge mixer that can be used to mix more than one kind of porridge. The device uses the Arduino Uno Microcontroller that has function as input, and output processing. The input is a DHT11 temperature sensor and the output is for control the motor’s speed that moves the mixer. In the other hand, output also has function as display manager and menu selection. The device works as the automatic porridge mixer which will do the porridge mixing at the speed rotation which suit with the temperature that be read. The porridge mixing will be started after choosing one kind of porridge menu which can find in the display of led panel. The motor which is used in this device is AC motor with use the TRIACS and Zero Cross Detector.
Keywords : porridge mixer,TRIACS,Microcontroller Arduino UNOReferences
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